It’s that time of the year when you get hit up for donations. In a stack of mail, something came from my business school. I quickly glanced at it, about to toss it, when I saw my name in bold. Nice touch, GSB.
1890 John D. Rockefeller donates $600,000 ($14.2 million in 2008 dollars) calling it “The best investment I ever made”
1929 First University to grant a PhD in business to a woman
1935 First Heisman Trophy is awarded to College of Commerce student John Jay Berwanger
1982 George Stigler becomes the first business school faculty member to receive a Nobel Prize
2004 Catherine Gacad earns MBA
2008 The school was named in honor of David G. Booth for his $300 million gift, which Booth described as a “partnership distribution” based on the long-term contribution to his life’s success by his alma mater
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