I still get bombarded by people who are looking for jobs. Delete. I have no sympathy for random people expecting me to help them out. Delete, delete, delete.
Someone sent me the following email a month ago. This is the right way to pursue the job hunt. I wish I could give her credit, but I can’t go blogging her name on the interweb.
Hi Catherine,
You may or may not recall, but I used to work with Carl Samson in the targeting group at [company vendor]. We exchanged a few emails back and forth in my time there. I’m now a student at Chicago Booth (though I’m sure it will always be GSB to you!) and recall that you are an alum. Since you are someone who went to school in Chicago, but managed to find a job post-graduation in the Bay Area, I’m curious to know how easy/difficult you found that to be. I am originally from the Bay Area, and would ideally like to end up back there. I am also seeking to continue on in the Finance industry, so if you have any thoughts or advice you could share about recruiting for Bay Area firms in Finance-specific roles, I would appreciate the help.
Thanks in advance! Hope to hear from you soon.
First, notice how Cassandra re-introduces herself and provides the background on how we know each other. Secondly, I’ve got to give kudos to someone who’s looking for a job, but never mentions it in the email. Her email makes me feel knowledgeable since she’s seeking my advice on coming back to the Bay Area. This girl is smart and savvy. I have no doubt that she’ll find a job right away…because people are going to want to help her. I do…and I don’t even really know her!
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