In case you’re wondering, the Gerber baby below is my friend Steph’s 7-month old girl and we will be proudly showcasing her at the wedding as part of a trio of very cute flower girls.
Grrrrr. Has anyone else been following the Tiger Woods scandal? Apparently, Us Weekly will be running a feature tomorrow with another woman who asserts she had close to a 3-year affair with the golf phenom. I told Dean that if he ever cheated on me, he’d end up like Steve McNair–the murdered football player. His practically adolescent mistress went straight-up kamikaze on him! You go, girl!
It’s just so sad, especially since Tiger’s baby boy is barely a year old. Tiger needs to be hanging out with his wife and spending time with the fam! I’d freak out, too, if I were her. I hope she gave him a good concussion-induced whooping. Can’t guys keep it in their pants?
It’s a book club night so I’m posting a picture that Dean sent me when I told him I wouldn’t be home until later.
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