I borrow money all the time. I borrow money from our admin when I don’t have change for the vending machine. I write down the amount of $1.00 on a post-it note and promptly pay her back the next day after I get cash from the ATM. Usually I buy some other junk food item at the Subway next door to break my cash. Besides these minor debts, I owe the government for a subsidized loan on grad school. I owe the bank for my private student loan and also my mortgage. I pay these debts consistently and on-time. I pay my credit card on-time. Never ever am I in arrears. Never in my life have I missed a payment due.
These are tough times. I know. Some are having a little bit tougher time than others, but the fact that you don’t have a stable job or positive cash flow does not give you the license to neglect your debt. PAY UP! I have a friend from Burning Man who drove my car back from the playa and proceeded to (accidentally) get a parking ticket on my car. Ironically, I told him that the one thing that mattered to me was that he please not get a parking ticket on my car. Please make sure you read the signs and please do not get a parking ticket.
Well, he accidentally slept in and got a parking ticket. All his apologies cannot pay the bill. The bill is paid. Of course, I paid it. But he refuses to answer my emails. I have little faith in him paying me back, but PLEASE HAVE SOME FUCKING SELF RESPECT. It’s quite insulting when I see you out and about around town when you should be at home eating Top Ramen so you can save what little money you have to pay me back what is rightly mine.
I have bills, too. I am not prancing around in Prada and wasting money frivolously. I have a $2,900 property tax bill due on December 10th. The second 25% of our catering bill is due mid-December. I, too, would like to buy Christmas presents for my family. Pay me my money, you shithead!
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