There are a few rules that I live by. 1. If you work hard, you will be successful. There are some people who ‘think’ they work hard, but they’re quite lazy when you compare them to others. Hence, they whine. 2. Those who give shall receive. I’ve noticed that the most giving people I know are also the wealthiest. But they don’t give because they’re wealthy. They always gave…even before they were wealthy. 3. If you plan well, things will go well.
Well, things did not go well. Even bad things happen to people who overplan. I was a bit flustered when my catering manager didn’t return my email promptly. I figured she was on vacation or something–even though I didn’t get an out of office response. So I called the hotel where we’re getting married. The front desk answered. “Erin no longer works here. How can I help you?”
Shocked, I didn’t say anything for a few seconds. Then I screamed, “Transfer me to your general manager now!”
The poor guy listened as I rambled on heatedly. “This is so unacceptable. I’m getting married at your hotel. One of the main reasons I signed the contract was because of your catering manager Erin. Why is it that I had to discover on my own that she’s no longer employed there? When was I going to hear about this? Can you assure me that you know exactly what we had agreed to? What was the point in meeting with her if I’m just going to have to repeat everything again? I know that contract like the back of my hand. All of my issues better be resolved otherwise I’m canceling and I know there’s no penalty if I cancel by mid-December.”
well at least you didn't overreact! :))