My coworker is a Disney fanatic. She goes to Disneyland several times a year, Disneyworld annually. I think she even has a Disney condo time share. She’s a VIP member. She’s on all their email lists. One year, they customized a video and emailed it to her. Her last name is Jew so the video had all this signage “It’s a Jew World” and the song “It’s a Small World” played in the background. We were totally cracking up about the jew thing.
I never understood when one of my jewish girlfriends said she wasn’t attracted to jewish guys because every second or third guy I dated was jewish. I found them to be intellectual, hard-working, witty, and talented. Unlike the agnostic or atheist losers, the jewish guys were gentleman. They offered to pick me up, opened doors, and called instead of texted. One sweetheart baked me a batch of chocolate chip cookies. They were gift-wrapped and he handed them to me at the end of our date. “A gift from me and my daughter. We had a fun time baking them last night.” My heart melted.
What was a single girl to do when she likes the jews and they seemed to like her? Join Jdate, of course. The only problem was the jewish girls. They were rather territorial and they gave me shit about it. And I’m talking about my girlfriends. But not the one who didn’t like jewish guys. She was encouraging. “I’m glad you’re on Jdate. You can take my place. I sure don’t want them.”
If there were an Fdate for filipino singles or Adate for asians, I would never slight any non-filipino, non-asian for being on it. In fact, I’d be flattered. I think it’s great when other cultures get along or other cultures hookup. Doesn’t that indicate openness? Like the black women who throw a fit when a black man hooks up with a white woman. They call him a sell-out. Get over it, people. Fucking get over it. There’s enough love in this world to go around.
it's a jew world…that's too funny.
well i will say (if i may be so bold as to generalize here) that there are some personality differences between jewish guys who want to date jewish women and jewish guys who want NOT to date jewish women.
and, out of curiosity, how many filipino guys have you dated?
Catherine Gacad
sadly, not very many. i wanted to count it up for my own curiosity. but it's not to say i didn't have my fair share of crushes on filipino guys!
i've dated:
1 filipino
1 filipino/white
1 filipino/black
1 black
1 black/white
2 chinese
1 chinese/white
2 latinos
6 indians
1 adopted guy who had no idea what his background was and he looked like a mix of everything
and a bunch of white guys