It’s detox day 7 and my first conclusion is that I’m so much more productive sober than when I’m drinking. Not necessarily a key revelation, but true nonetheless.
I run faster, I eat more, and I’m losing weight. Early to rise, but earlier to bed. My sleep is uninterrupted, whereas before I tossed and turned throughout the night. I really think alcohol fucks with your ability to have a good night’s sleep.
The hardest thing for me is watching people drink. During a housewarming this weekend, I watched as everyone helped themselves to wine. I winced while gulping down water. Later on that night while kissing Dean, I sucked any remnants of wine I could find in his mouth. “Baby, are you only kissing me like that because of the wine?”
“Of course not!”
The other big perk is the savings. I’m saving so much money not drinking, I can go on a shopping spree every weekend. Alternatively, I can save for the wedding open bar. I’ll consider it. The wedding is really shaping up and we’re getting so excited.
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