I used to subscribe to an email from this guy Christian Carter who had collaborated with my matchmaker. He sells books and CDs on dating. I got bored of it after a while. He gave you little snippets and teases, then said…To find out what a guy is really thinking, order my book now!
But he did say something that I thought was so important for me at the time that I printed it out and kept it in my wallet.
I only want a relationship with a woman who already has her act together, is attractive, healthy, independent, easy-going, confident, and who is emotionally in control of herself and her own life. When we’re together I want her to share her feelings and challenge and inspire me to keep her love and interest, and to be a great man…but I also want her to know how to do this without trying to change me or turning our relationship into more work and less fun than I can have on my own.
I have always believed that I have my act together. I’m independent, self-supporting, but I think I had the hardest time with my emotions. I’d try so hard to put on an easy-going front, but behind closed doors, I’m a miserable wreck. I could fall in love so hard and never know how to deal with that passionate fire. It made me berserk. Now that I’ve found someone who’s just as into me as I’m into him, I hope it all works out just fine.
Christian Carter, Mimi Tanner and Paige Parker – read them all too! Haha – I thought I was the only one 🙂