I’m down to two guys I’m in love with.
There’s my burner friend who has already broken my heart in the past. He’s hot, smart, fascinating. People who know him and find out that we’re dating scream, “You are so lucky. He is hot. He’s a total catch. What a cutie! What a sweetheart!” But he’s a player and I know very well he’s a player. But the attention has been spot on recently: consistent communications. A phone call as soon as he returned from vacation. I mean, I even need some time to decompress and catch up on emails and voicemails.
He doesn’t seem to be playing around anymore. I shrugged, “Sure, we can get together. Just let me know when you’re free.”
“Catherine, whenever you want, I’m free. Tomorrow, Wednesday, Friday. You name it. I’m free.” He called again today. “Hey, we never formalized a plan. Call me. Call me anytime.”
Then there’s my Friday the 13th / Valentine’s boyfriend. Since the night we met, with the exception of President’s Day (when he wanted to hang out and see a movie and I was working that day), I have spent every night with him. And tonight we made plans to watch TV (hello, I am not a TV-watcher) at his place after my writing class. He texted in the middle of the class, “Beautiful, can I order you some food? Thai or Chinese? Are you hungry? I can have it ready by the time you’re here. Let me know.”
When I arrived, he gave me a hug, “Honey, we’ve got company. Is that ok? Some of my friends stopped by.” Who talks like that? Like we are already a unit. Nice guys talk like that! Potential boyfriends and life partners talk like that. Every other schmuck off the street would say, “Hey, some friends are over. Hope you don’t mind. I’ll kick ’em out soon enough so we can get it on.”
One last text from him before bed and while I’m blogging, “I have been talking about you non stop. Apparently, my friends say, I’m glowing around you! Okay, guilty as charged.”
I am in love!
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