I mentioned briefly that one of the guys I went out on a date with asked for my mailing address so he could send me a small present. I gave him my work address.
He sent over a box with ‘FRAGILE’ marked on all sides. Ummm, can I say stalker-ish? My co-workers were rather curious (as was I), but I pushed it into the back corner of my desk.
“Probably some marketing materials from one of our vendors,” I lied.
After everyone had gone for the night, I picked the box up and ripped through the packaging tape. I have to admit, I was a little concerned that all of my co-workers were now gone.
I waded through the bubble wrap to find a Jack-in-the-Box figurine–specifically a suited up person with the Jack-in-the-Box spherical head.
I thought I was the only one who’s psycho. I was wrong.
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