I’ve talked about The Secret before. I believe in it. It’s all about the law of attraction and how things come about in life because you think certain thoughts. If you think of being poor, you will be poor. If your mindset is of riches, then the wealth will come to you. You attract what you think. Essentially, The Secret is the law of attraction.
I’ve come back to the book now, thinking that I need to start thinking the thoughts that will get me to where I want to be: true love, marriage, happiness. I’ve had this mental block, thinking I’m not good enough, or no guy is good enough for me, or something always goes wrong in the end. I have to stop thinking negatively about love. I’ve always characterized myself as unlucky in love. I need to stop it!!!
Last night while rereading the book, I realized something that has been very detrimental to me. I have been quasi-dating someone for the past three fucking years. THREE YEARS I’VE BEEN OBSESSED WITH THIS ONE GUY. No wonder I am still single! Every night before I go to bed, I think about us together. I dream about him. I fantasize about him. No one else. Just him. I realized, here is the problem. Stop it. Stop thinking about him. Get him out of your thoughts and then you can start moving in the right direction. If he’s continually in your mind, you will never move on. The law of attraction is bringing you this guy over and over and over and he is preventing you from finding the one. MOVE ON!
So I can’t say I finally have those thoughts exorcised from my brain. It’s hard when you’ve been thinking these thoughts for so long. I just made a promise to myself to try and stop thinking about him. Instead of dreaming about him before going to bed, I substituted him with someone else.
Within one day, there’s been a marked improvement. Yesterday I went to happy hour after work. As soon as I walked into the bar, someone greeted me and said, “Try this drink. If you like it and I’m sure you will, I’ll get it for you.” We spent the next couple hours together, drinking and laughing. It was so weird. He was attracted to me as soon as I walked into the bar. “I like you. I think you’re hot. Let me take you out to dinner. Wherever you want.”
Then tonight at my writing class, the good-looking just-graduated-from-college kid, looks at me and says, “You look great! You look really great!” No change. I hadn’t dressed up for class. In fact, I was wearing something I’ve worn to class before. A typical outfit. A turtleneck!
And even before class, while at work today, my cell phone kept ringing. Text messages continued to come through. “I miss you, I want to see you. Let’s hang out tonight, this weekend.” “What’s your schedule. Let me know when you’re free.” “I can’t wait for us to hang out in NYC. We’re going to have a blast.”
It’s working. The Secret. Don’t doubt. Believe it. I swear it works.
Thanks for the reminder. I too believe in the law of attraction, but I tend to forget to practice it. I am happy to hear that it is working for you!