I hope you all had a fun Halloween. You’ll all be bored to know that I spent mine right here at home, chilling in front of my laptop, sending out my writing to various publications. Funny, I just wanted to relax tonight after a very long week…working up until the wee hours. The only reason I got to leave at 5pm was because I told my boss I was going treat-or-treating with my nephews. That was the plan, but my mom’s sick and Therese didn’t want to take the kids trick-or-treating with the rain potential and my mom ill. So I stayed home and scoured appropriate places to send my pieces. I swear, I’m going to get published or die trying.
I was going to treat myself to some fine Osha Thai, but was too lazy to get my butt out of here so I made myself a pretty disgusting salad. I am so bad when it comes to food. My poor future husband and kids will hate me. I hope he cooks!
Back to the recession which is top of mind these days and top of my mind as well. I was dating this guy Brian who moved to San Francisco to work for a startup. Fine. He has a gorgeous one-bedroom apartment in Pacific Heights $2400. Gulp. Is it just me? But isn’t that a lot of fucking money?!?!?! I mean, my mortgage…let me repeat…my MORTGAGE is $2,000. How much are my HOAs you might ask? $100. That’s it. That is all I spend to comfortably house myself. I don’t live beyond my means.
So Brian got laid off several months ago. His landlord has started eviction proceedings since he hasn’t paid his rent in two months! RED FLAG, RED FLAG!
If I get laid off and I can’t afford my rent, I have no shame in packing my shit up and moving home with my parents. Let’s say that’s not an option, ok? I know I’m lucky that I’m a Bay Area native. Doesn’t matter! If I were him, I’d give up my posh pad and move in with roommates. Do something different, you know??? Save money!!! Live within your means, especially if you’re not making a single penny.
So he tells me all this last week when we go out. I feel so bad, I pay for our drinks which is fine. To his credit, he’s done some really nice things for me. I knew he was laid off. I didn’t know the part about the eviction proceedings and how much his rent was. It’s simply ridiculous. I dropped him off and I couldn’t stop shaking my head. Who does that? GO GET A JOBBY JOB! I don’t care if it’s ringing up the cash register at Trader Joe’s. That is not beneath me. I would do it. In fact, I picked up the flyer for holiday help at Urban Outfitters. I actually considered it…not because I need the money…but because it couldn’t hurt. 1) I like Urban Outfitters. 2) I’d get a phat discount. 3) Extra money during the holidays is always cool. 4) Time spent working means time spent not spending.
HELLO? Are you guys with me? What is wrong with this Brian? He kept going on and on about how the job market is bad. How it’s tough to get a job right now. I wanted to run home and get my flyer for Urban Outfitters to hand to him. Take a look at this. They’re having open interviews next weekend. Check it out!
Don’t be a victim of this recession. Save, be smart, take precautions.
i’ve never been an expert at budgeting, and of course this story you’ve described isn’t “funny” but it reminds me of a hilarious steve martin skit i saw on SNL a while back. just had to share 🙂