I want to thank everyone for their kind thoughts about getting on anti-depressants. I’ve actually found the perfect solution. It’s also perfect timing for me because my company is now in the middle of our annual benefits enrollment.
The majority of my life, I’ve been a Kaiser member. From seeing a dermatologist throughout high school because of severe acne up until now, getting Botox shots for underarm perspiration. The only periods in my life when I didn’t have Kaiser was when I was at Cal and the GSB (they have their own campus health centers). I was also briefly on a PPO my first job out of college. Lapse of judgement. Every time I saw the doctor for something trivial like a check-up, I’d soon after get an incredibly costly bill in the mail.
I’m sticking with Kaiser. I do enjoy the care that I get there, but I’ve decided to add on a tax-free flexible spending account to my health care. That way I can fund an account with pre-tax money to use for any medical / health purpose. I don’t know why I had never done this before. I can pay for prescriptions, massages, any type of medical, preventative, health expense through this account.
That said, I’ve found the perfect psychiatrist. He is actually a friend of a friend. I’ve met him many times and have always found him to be extremely bright. He has designed a program that zeros in on exactly the dosage and type of medication you need by looking at your EEG data. Essentially, he’s tracking how your brain responds to medication instead of the hokey trial and error crap that most psychos do. He’s not cheap, obviously. But we all know that you get what you pay for. He went to the best schools, had superb psychiatric training. I completely trust him. I would rather spend the money upfront than cross my fingers and hope that a certain medication a doctor is recommending will work.
I am so pleased that this is all working out in a timely manner. I’m excited to see him in the New Year and look forward to less sleepless nights of crying.
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