I have been working my ass off. Like into the night type of ass off. On call and not getting paid like a doctor type of ass off. It’s been brutal. Painfully exhaustingly brutal.
I also lost my internet connection. I was stealing someone’s wireless and now it looks like all the wireless connections in my hood have figured it’s high time to lock them. Peace out. I’ve been without internet at home for almost a week. I think the most frustrating part is not being able to check the weather as soon as I wake up in the morning.
Lastly, here’s an action item for you. I’m two weeks into my new writing / publishing class. Given that I’m not going to get published in the New Yorker or Vanity Fair anytime soon, I urge you to send me newspapers / magazines / periodicals / online zines that you think my writing would be appropriate for. The less distribution, the better! I’m trying to build my clip base.
I’ve got some great ideas for magazines articles and am working my way toward perfecting my query/pitch letters. Super exciting! Stay tuned…
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