I don’t have a TV so I watch news clips on CNBC and replays of Dancing with the Stars on my laptop. I didn’t have anywhere to go to watch the debate. I emailed and texted Marc; he wasn’t answering. If it hadn’t been for wishy-washy McCain, I would have purchased tickets to see the live broadcast at the Roxie Theater in the Mission. Before 6pm, I was happily surprised to find several live broadcasts online: CNBC, NYTimes.com.
I multi-tasked during the 90+ minutes. I folded laundry, put away my clean dishes, cut my nails, and swept the long strands of black hair off my bright white bathroom tile. But I was listening. If it hadn’t been for his very unqualified running mate, I’m pretty sure I would have voted for McCain. His platform is much more aligned with mine. I’m a capitalist, what can I say. Reduce spending! We don’t agree on everything. I’m pro-choice and believe in less military spending. But overall, I like him better than Obama. Apologies to all the liberals and democrats who read my blog. That said, I’m going to vote for Obama because I can’t stand that Palin dummy. I’d rather vote for a President that I don’t want than risk having her in office.
oh catherine…since you say you were already leaning toward mccain, i beg of you to reconsider your final position!
if government spending is a big concern of yours (and rightfully so) you’ve gotta go with the republicans, girl!!!