I have a fever. I can defrost leftovers on any part of my body. Take your pick. Compound that with a nose that can’t stop running (that symptom arrived this morning) and a very sore throat. I’ve sucked on zinc, Sucrets, and Halls, sniffed Zicam, had my fill of juice, water, echinacea, and vitamin C. My perfume du jour is Vicks VapoRub. I’m high on Nyquil, Dayquil, and Sudafed. I top off with Ambien.
I had to cancel on Dominic this morning. I told Therese to tell him I said hello and sorry I couldn’t make it, I wasn’t feeling well. Therese stopped me to grab Dominic. “Why don’t you tell him?”
She was already grabbing him when I yelled, “Therese, he won’t be able to tell who I am!”
I sounded awful. Even Therese could tell I was horribly sick as soon as I called.
“Hello?” I heard Dominic’s soft voice.
“Hi Dominic. It’s Auntie Cat. I’m sorry I can’t see you today. I’m sick.”
“Who is that man?!” Dominic tossed the phone back to my sister.
“See, Therese, I told you. Poor kid doesn’t know me.” I started to feel worse.
“Wow, sorry Cat. Dominic thinks you sound like a man.” Grrreat.
Whenever I’m sick, I get hot and sour soup from Tawan’s Thai on Geary between 8th and 9th. I always seems to want this soup in the middle of the day when most other Thai restaurants are closed between lunch and dinner. This one’s open all day.
I like spicy–super spicy. I douse all my meals with red pepper flakes and garlic salt. Especially when I’m sick, I feel like I’m opening up my air passages by taking in lots of peppery spices. For lunch, I spiked my spaghetti lean cuisine with two cloves of freshly minced garlic. That ought to do it. It didn’t. So at 4pm, I headed to Tawan’s. I made the mistake of telling the waitress to make it extra spicy. BIG MISTAKE. As soon as I finished half of my soup, I looked like I’d been transported from a steam room to my seat in the restaurant. I was drenched in sweat. Very embarrassing.
Here’s hoping my fever is simply a reaction to the Tom Yum soup and that by tomorrow morning, I’ll be the picture of health and happiness.
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