I got this email from my friend Amber I had grown up with since the third grade…slumber parties, cheerleading. She lived two blocks away from me. We went to high school together, then drifted apart. She now lives in Texas–married with two boys.
Here’s part of an email that she sent me. I got in contact with her as I try to plan this reunion.
“I always thought if I ever re-connected with you, I just had to tell you about this….do you remember giving me a little tiny music wind-up thingy (I hesitate to call it a music box, because it really wasn’t a “box”) that played “The Entertainer”? I think you gave it to me for my 13th birthday. Anyway, it was small…would fit in the palm of you hand. You wrote our names on it in black ink. I’ve always had it in my nightstand drawer and would listen to it on occasion…..when I became pregnant with Hayden (4), I would set it on my tummy at night, under the covers and play it once or twice. Once he was born, I could tell he recognized it and it was a soother for him. So, needless to say, I did the same for Brighton (16 mos) and he loved it just as much. Unfortunately….and I was devastated….Hayden over-wound it while trying to play it for Brighton when he was newborn and it broke. He was just trying to help, so I tried not to be upset. But, I still keep it in my drawer anyway :)”
Anyhow, the email made me cry. And it made my day. It makes everything worth it. The reunion, old friends, seeing their families, how happy they are, the memories. I’m really very lucky. I grew up with good kids, good people.
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