I want to wrap this up and resolve this in my own head and with my readers. I want to explain my logic so there’s no ambiguity because there certainly was in my mind, but after thinking about it and processing the situation, I really am done and here is a synopsis why.
I did like Dan. I really did…up unto the point that he split the bill. I want to reiterate that he asked me out on a date. I don’t care how he tries to dumb it down in his email below. He asked me out to dinner with overtones of how pretty he thought I was, how fun it would be to go to Vegas together. This is upon first meeting me. So he was definitely interested not purely on a platonic level. Even if in his mind he thought I wasn’t interested, wouldn’t any decent guy pay the bill if he asks a girl out? YES, he should!
I think maybe I lost confidence in the dating process and thought I was being too harsh. Was I thinking about this all wrong? Turns out I wasn’t. And when I went out with Ethan, I realized…that is exactly how dates should end…with guys (who did the asking out in the first place) paying the bill. It validated the fact that Dan is dumb and cheap. I’m not going to argue about it.
I certainly don’t think I had an attitude problem. I thought he was interested in me, then went cheapskate instead. In fact, I think I was being nice when I gave him another chance. And again, he proved what an asshole he was. Same deal as the dinner. With the brunch, he ate more than his fair share, then split the bill.
It’s true; I’m not looking to add to my friends. I have too many friends. So when someone asks me out on a date, I am most certainly interested. I’m not going to go out with guys who I’m not interested in romantically. But when he pulls a “I thought you just wanted to be friends” as an excuse for not paying the bill, I find that unacceptable. I just do and I’m not going to apologize for my attitude.
There is a saying “Cheap with the bill, Cheap with the heart” Trust your instincts!
alright,i stand corrected. 🙂