Hot off the press.
A friend of mine has just learned that someone in her circle of friends has been leading a double life for the past couple years. Leading a double life in that she’s had two boyfriends. Holy shit. I can’t even get one! That is some serious business. Apparently, her primary boyfriend (the one she’s been with for the past God knows how long…5-7 years or some shit like that) is not talking to her. Hard to believe he’d stop talking to her. How unforgiving! But also, her whole circle of friends have abandoned her. I’m thinking, shit. If she was able to maintain this double life, I can’t believe she still had friends. Anywho…all I have to say is she was double-dipping and living the good life. She still has one boyfriend left. She’ll probably be married soon, pop the babies out, and all will be good in the world again. Score one for cheating!
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