Eliot Spitzer seems to have brought the topic into the limelight, among other things—like prostitution which is illegal. Hello? And you were a former attorney general, prosecuting…prostitution! Total hypocrite.
Now the whole reason I had a falling out with my friend stems from Eliot Spitzer. If the governor of New York had just kept his weewee inside his pants instead of chasing a Girl Gone Wild, especially when he’s got a doting wife at home who is the mother of his three children, then there would be peace in my world. But there’s not.
No there’s not. Here’s the story.
After the Spitzer scandal broke, I sent an email out to friends, saying, “What a hypocrite.”
My friend writes back and says, “Didn’t Spitzer endorse Hillary Clinton?”
I replied, “I don’t know what that has to do with anything!”
His response back: “Spitzer’s a hypocrite. All politicians are hypocrites—so is your girl Hillary.”
Now, that really hurt my feelings. And he meant it to get under my skin because he knows I’m a big supporter. When someone hurts me emotionally, then watch out.
Right back at him: “I know a lot of people who cheat on their significant others. So I guess it doesn’t just apply to politics.”
This was an attack on him personally, knowing that he’s cheated on his girlfriend.
He chose to end our friendship, believing that my comment was uncalled for. He’s not talking to me, and probably never will. But there is someone who’ll speak on his behalf—a spokesperson if you will. Here comes his crony who verbally attacked me at a pub crawl last week. I was in tears in a fucking bar! I’m getting attacked for calling someone out on his own bad behavior. I’m not the one who’s cheating. I’m not the one who’s misbehaving. But apparently, my silly little comment was uncalled for?
Omigosh, I’m so sorry. And it’s totally appropriate to cheat on your girlfriend?
Back to his crony who was attacking me. “You have no right to judge him. No right, Catherine. Who do you think you are?”
“I’m fucking calling a spade a spade. I was just being upfront with my comment. If you can’t stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen. He attacked me, so I’m going to attack him. And I’m supposed to feel bad about it? The truth hurts. It’s his deal.”
The fight raged on. I knew it was going nowhere. I pleaded, “Can we just agree to disagree?” But it was me against a 200 pound drunk who waxed on about the injustice of my comment.
“You have no right to judge him. No right! You have no idea what’s going on in their relationship. It’s none of your business. How dare you judge people.”
“You’re telling me his actions don’t affect anyone else? Don’t you think his girlfriend would be upset if she found out? Isn’t it dishonest not just to his girlfriend, but to the girls he hooks up with? I know because he made out with my friend, and she wouldn’t have gone there if she knew he had a boyfriend!”
“Are you telling me your friend is still upset about that?”
“No, you fucker. She’s on the brink of getting married and could care less anymore. The point is…it was wrong! It’s a deception. It’s a violation of a commitment and trust with other people.”
After that, I had no more fight left in me. But he did. The argument ended with me in tears, but drunkard continuing to have a good rest of the night. Go boys club! You guys stick together with your icky values.
I’ve never cheated on anyone. But when I started to get the wandering eye, I was upfront. I said, “I don’t think this is working out anymore. We need to stop seeing each other.”
I’m not perfect, I’m not pretending to be. But be honest with yourself, be honest with others. If you’re in a committed relationship with someone, then be committed! If you can’t keep your weewee where it belongs, then call it like it is. Say, “I can’t seem to keep this sucker zippered up. I think we should be in an open relationship. I like to sleep around and you should be aware of it for your own health, safety, and emotional well-being.”
Let’s not fuck around anymore.
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