It’s the half-way point. I can’t believe it’s been half a year since I was in the desert. How did all these months pass me by? Preparation for Burning Man is starting back up. Preparation is year-round, but ARTery meetings start around now. The grant cycle is in progress. And I’ll be back on the playa in another six months time.
From: Catherine
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 2:33 PM
To: Peter
Subject: burning man
Peter, I should have sent this weeks ago, but got bogged down with acclimating back into the default world.
First, you are an amazing artist. I was so wowed by the swimmers and the divers that when I heard about your fundraising for Homouroboros, I wanted to support you and I did. I went to the Big Spin at your friend’s loft. I even saw the swimmers. Clearly, you have a support network of friends and strangers who believe in you and your work! The first time I saw Homouroboros, I almost cried tears of joy. I started jumping up and down, screaming “Yeah, YEAH!” I pumped my fists in the air. I was so proud. I thought, “I knew this guy was a genius, but I didn’t realize it was going to be this phenomenal.”
You create the unimaginable and and you do it right—with smart fundraising, with a supportive family (I read your sister’s well-written article), superb project management. I got to the playa and not only marvelled at your work but heralded, “This guy did it right. Who else has their installation done on the first day? It’s showtime. His work is complete. People are digging it. Everyone else is still working away!” I’m not diminishing the work that others did or put into their art pieces….but you pulled it off in a timely fashion—-major dust storms and all.
You have sparked a fire in all of us that make you want to do it again and again.
All the best to you, Peter. Hurrah, bravo. You made my Burning Man.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Peter
To: Catherine
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 18:14:44 -0600
Subject: RE: burning man
Wow Catherine,
Thank you so much for your detailed accolades.
It is quite gratifying to know that one appreciates how much hard work and coordination went into making this happen.
I have so many people to thank, its ridiculous. I’m still putting the thank you list together, but if you visit my website next week, i will have all the proper thank you’s in order.
I’m ccing this to my top crew members so they can revel in their glory.
Thank you
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