Time’s up, people. Get to the polls tomorrow and vote if you didn’t do your absentee ballot. I went out to lunch with a friend who shall remain unnamed who admitted to not voting…he wasn’t even sure if he was registered. Then he went on and on about this book he was reading about politics and how the U.S. is so fucked up. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT?!?!?! I can’t stand Americans who think this country sucks. If it’s so bad, then get OUT. You see what it’s like living elsewhere…like the Philippines or Pakistan or the Congo. How bout that? People have no clue. No clue. Go live in the Philippines for a month and you’ll be itching to get back to America even if it’s run by some dumbass Texan. The mosquitoes will EAT YOU ALIVE!!!!
And what’s up with the Hillary haters? If Bill Clinton were up for re-election, there wouldn’t even be a race. He’d win by a landslide. But everyone’s gotta hate on the powerful woman. Why? Because she’s smart? Because she’s tough? Because she’s experienced? Totally ridiculous. She deserves this presidency. This is her time. So let’s rock the vote and see history made with a female president. I heart Hillary.
Speaking of deadlines, I am freaking out about Lent which has sprung itself on me. Tomorrow is Mardi Gras and then it’s Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. Shit, I have a lot of thinking to do.
I wouldn’t vote for Bill either, CG. I’m tired of the political dynasties: Bushs, Clintons. The 22nd amendment states clearly that there’s a two term limit for the presidency, and I can’t tell who’s running, Bill or Hillary.
Enough, let’s give someone new a chance. Someone who inspires hope, instead of fostering partisan hatred. Obama.