Aside from a surprise pickup from a friend this morning while waiting for the MUNI express bus, and having drinks and french fries with friends at Myth tonight, I have had a really bad day. LuLu (Marc’s new puppy) is hospitalized and might die! I hate to talk about work, but it wasn’t good. So bad that I started looking for other jobs. At least the stock market is up. My umbrella broke while I was strolling around during my mid-afternoon break.
I’m mildly, temporarily depressed. Thank God tomorrow is Friday. Hopefully all the upcoming celebrations and events (Chinese New Year, Mardi Gras, Super Tuesday, Groundhog’s Day, Superbowl Sunday) will make the rain go away.
i think it’s time to bring out the rabbit. 😉
when it rains, it pours. just a slight bump in your otherwise fantastic life. better to get some challenges out of the way early in the year rather than string them out.