I am beating myself up for having shitty computing technology for the past decade. All that stuff was crap. I brought my MacBook home tonight after Dominic’s birthday celebration and TA-DA, it was like fucking plug and play. Plug and play, people. I can cancel my internet service and home phone line which has cost me about $60/month because this laptop picks up every wireless network known to man. I am stoked!
I absolutely love this thing.
But one last story before I turn in for the night and the weekend.
So last night at the Apple store, I asked the person who was helping me if there were any discounts, etc. “There’s a $100 discount for students, but that’s it. We really don’t have discounts.”
With that in mind, I went to the Apple store this morning (after bumping into Borat) and asked for the $100 discount. I always keep my old student IDs handy (both Cal and Chicago). You never know when you need a student discount at the cinema or museums.
This guy was ringing me up today and I offered, “Can I show you my student ID?”
“No, I just need to see your driver’s license.” Fine, I gave it to him.
Then he asked, “What school do you go to?”
“I go to the University of Chicago.”
I’m starting to sweat as he enters all this information into a handheld device.
Then he asks, “Ok, if you could tell me the zip code there.”
I swear to God, I pulled that shit out of the depths of my cerebrum.
“Yup, that’s it. So, that’ll be $875.25 with your gift certificate.”
I breathed a sigh of relief, but I didn’t stop sweating until I got the hell out of there. If he had asked me one more question, I would have confessed. “I lied. I’m sorry, I lied. You got me. Just charge the full amount.”
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