I bought a fur coat. Shucks, it’s not really a fur coat. More like a coat with a detachable fur collar.
In NYC a couple a weeks ago, I popped into the Juicy store on 70th and Madison on my way to the Frick Collection. I didn’t expect to find anything. I was just browsing and thought I’d take a look since my friend Lizzie gets a discount. I happen to like their Couture line. The whole line seems so classy and fashionable. And with fashion comes a price. I remember seeing a Couture dress that I liked in the SF Juicy store and grieved when I saw the pricetag. Way out of my financial league.
Similarly, at the store on the Upper West Side, I went straight to the Couture section. I found the most beautiful, black and white striped coat—extra small, extra pricey. I took the hanger off the rack and ran my hand against the silk lining. That’s when a sales assistant called out, “Everything in that section is at least half off.” I wish she hadn’t said that because otherwise I probably would have never contemplated purchasing it.
I put it on in front of the mirror and declared, “I have to have it.”
Lizzie’s discount doesn’t apply to sale items so that didn’t alleviate the financial burden. And the rest of my time in NYC, I couldn’t sleep. Should I keep it, should I return it. The debate raged on in my head…all day, all night. I have never in my life spent so much money on a single material purchase. Not a couch, not a laptop. Not my pair of black suede Gucci boots that I bought after Christmas a few years back. They were half off and still, several hundred dollars (I won’t admit to how many hundreds of dollars. I’m not using the term ‘several’ literally).
One evening while getting ready, I told my friend, “Shaheen, I’ve decided to return my coat. So I want you to see me wear it just once.”
She had already heard my stories about the purchase and agreed that it was way too expensive. I unzipped the coat out of its plastic protector and put it on. At first glance her response was “keep it.”
So here I am, still debating whether or not to keep a coat that is less than a mortgage payment but more than a laptop. I’ll think, “I can buy two laptops with this money. I can buy a laptop, an iPod, and an iPhone.”
Then seconds later, I’ll defend the purchase. “I bring my lunch to work every day. I eat Lean Cuisines for lunch and dinner. I drive a shit car. What’s the point of hoarding money if I can’t buy a little luxury every now and then!”
I had made the point to a friend that I don’t go to Starbucks everyday like most people so I could make these types of purchases. And he said, “Honey, that’s like three years worth of Starbucks!”
All in all, I am leaning towards keeping it. I am still well within the 60 day return period. I could very well change my mind in a week or two. I must say I have been more money conscious since the purchase. Example: “I’ll pass on dinner, but I’ll meet up with you guys for drinks afterwards!” Ahhh, the price to pay for fashion.
Return the coat unless you are going to wear the hell out of it. Better yet, go back to the store, explain your situation (i.e. the coat is too expensive given your meager cash reserves (JK!)), but seriously, talk to the manager, since it is a size that is unlikely to sell before they remainder it; maybe that person will work something out with you so you can buy it later at a lower price. I’d think your candor would be refreshing to a manager who worked in that environment.
Hope you have a good New Year’s and 2008 brings you much happiness.