I am so pleased with how the party turned out. Several people commented on how diverse the crowd was. I had friends from all walks of life: high school, college, burning man, business school, and work. And not a single person came who I used to date. Unlike last year at my Christmas brunch, I closed out the evening doing vodka shots to calm my nerves…as the last three remaining guys were all ex-flames. Yikes! That wasn’t pretty.
All in all, I’m glad I closed down the guest list. My place was pretty packed with over 50 people. My bed grew an extra foot with all the jackets, coats, and purses piled high. Everyone brought gourmet cheese and great wine. There wasn’t a sip left at the end of the night. The Polaroids were a hit, too. Too bad I ran out of film. It’s the first time I didn’t go digital so I’ll have to figure out how to get the party pictures posted. For now, all the Polaroids are up on my wall. I just light up when I walk through the hallway.
Below is my thank you email that I sent out after all the guests had left. I owe another big thank you to my parents who came this morning to help me clean and mop the floor. To those of you who were concerned about the plastic cups being used, my mom went through the trash, collected them, and washed them all by hand for my next party. How fucking amazing is my mom? She is so green! She also brought me a home-cooked meal before I head off on vacation. Waiting for the cab now. Hopefully I’ll be able to post from somewhere in Nicaragua.
thank you everyone for coming to the cheesy party. i had a great time. i hope you did, too. i think i might have to permanently keep the polaroids up on my walls. they are hilarious.
i don’t know how 50 of us were able to cram into a 700 sq.ft 1-bdrm condo, but we did it.
erika for being the sous chef
paul and nancy for the pre-party
arif for having a little bit too much fun with my boa
jen i. for playing ‘total eclipse of the heart’
GR for being the IT guy and working over time with my spotty laptop
adam for coming even with the berkeley blackout
andrea, vicky, and joy for being my book club girls and the last women sitting on the couch
elan and renu for bringing CHOCOLATE
michelle for stopping by just to bring wine (so nice of you!)
debbie for becoming part of my world
melanie for taking control of the kitchen
rosealee, joanna, and jen b. for uniting in the default world
neel for keeping anup in check
jason for bringing my favorite ridge wine
paolo for bringing the cheesy norma jean wine bottle. love it!
bettie june for coming even when under the weather
ling for bringing the $100 bottle of wine that i later hid
deonte for being my all-time favorite garbage disposal
anup for visiting all the way from india just for my party 😉
eve for noticing that my closet is orgasmic
tej and sahana for dressing up cheesy
marina for finally coming to my place—it’s been two years
dazzle for keeping us well fed
daniel for coming even though i disinvited you. you’re lucky you know where i live.
all the best for the holidays. thanks for tonight’s memories.
Rob K
Could your family/mom be any more amazing? I would trade my family’s wealth for your family’s love, involvement, and support ANY day. You are damn lucky!
ps. I knew someone you disinvited would show!