I actually do love the rain and I’m tickled pink that it’s drizzly outside. I get to stay in, read a book, blog, and not feel bad that I’m not being the outdoorsy California girl.
I’m way overworked…lots more to do, but wanted to write a little.
A few random totally disordered observations:
1. Why is Pamela Anderson now married to Rick Solomon (the guy from the infamous Paris Hilton sex video)? They are both so cuckoo. I don’t know what this world has come to. Can you imagine being at their wedding? Celebs are retarded. I guess that’s not really an observation, just a gripe.
2. What’s up with Al “I’m the most boring person in the world” Gore getting the friggin Nobel Prize? I haven’t had anytime in my day to even read the gossip columns, but this headline struck me and I’ll have to do some reading. Did he get the prize because he puts everyone to sleep? Warring factions just have to listen to him and keel over and snooze? Cmon, seriously. Al Gore??? This one’s a major gripe, too.
3. Does everyone take a look at their Q-tip after swiping it in your ear? Just like you take a look at your tissue before you toss it down the toilet? Once it’s clear and clean, you can stop wiping? Merely an observation.
4. How beautiful is this rain? Go outside and SMELL! The air’s so clean and crisp. Fresh, fresh, healthy air. Take that, LA!!!
that’s funny because i was going to walk skylen to mommy & me this morning but couldn’t because of the charcoal grey rain clouds up above. didn’t end up raining this morning but it looks like LA’s lovely rainy season is on the horizon!
The rain comes down and the World seems somehow cleaner, and more peaceful. Somehow precipitation does that, go figure. For San Francisco rain is a fixture of Winter weather, other places where the temperature and climate allow the snow casts the same feeling. I miss those snowy nights, sitting by the fire in the glow of a cold cathode fluorescent laptop screen the only sounds those of the wind outside, the crackling fire inside and the low clatter of the keyboard. Erp, that’s just getting weird, time to go.