I’m not one of those religious freaks who proselytizes about her faith. I mostly keep to myself, very rarely disclosing my religious beliefs and opinions outside of my blog. A couple months ago, through a Burning Man newsletter, I read about a Washington Times photojournalist who wanted to put together a piece on religion at the event. I sent her the following email of encouragement.
hi allison,
i think your idea for the burning man religion story is fantastic. i’m a devout catholic…i don’t ‘openly’ practice at the playa. nevertheless, would be interested in reading your article when it is finished…and wanted you to know that i think it will be very well-received.
good luck!
Well, the email set to motion lively discussions back and forth via email that resulted in an in-person interview at Burning Man with Allison Shelley taking pictures and Frappa Stout reporting. It was a pretty interesting experience and they are clearly very good at what they do. Take a look at the following Washington Times links. The print version came out on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Frappa Stout’s article
Allison Shelley’s photojournal
I’m extremely impressed at what they were able to accomplish in a short amount of time, and also having to contend with the show-stopping dust storms that lasted for several hours at a time throughout the event.
Wow! you look great Cat..