I lost it…just in time for Burning Man. I shed several pounds. I lost the pudge of fat around my tummy.
I wasn’t even drastic about it. Baby steps. I completely cut out the Starbucks. Ditched the Venti Peppermint Hot Chocolate Extra Whip every morning. I used to get that, then eat my oatmeal. Instead, I got out my tea bag and drank tea with my oatmeal. Saved money, saved on calories. I stuck with Lean Cuisines for meals, but always supplemented them with a bag of chips or a candy bar. I stopped going to Specialty’s for my daily chocolate chip cookie fix. I avoided See’s Candies. Essentially, I stopped eating out. Even though I was eating junk food from the vending machine, I knew exactly how many calories I was taking in. I consistently clocked in around 1500 calories and the pounds slowly came off.
But I know I didn’t go overboard. Homemade cookies and birthday cake at work? Bring it on. Date night then a pizza run? Oh yeah! Each time I feared the worst. That I was undoing all the work I had done, but that’s not the case. The weight has come off and stayed off. I can say that confidently as I chomp into the Dorritos I’m packing away for Burning Man. Slowly, but surely, I reached a new set weight.
Skimpy clothes? Swimsuits? Bring it on.
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