A week ago, the Chronicle came out with a front page story on Jehovah’s Witnesses and their goal of knocking on every door from the Oregon border to Reno to the Central Coast as they come together for a series of conventions throughout the summer.
I figured it was a lofty goal, but perked up when my buzzer rang unexpectedly. Most people would just not answer the door, but I was curious. I really wanted to see what they had to say. Were they going to read verses from the Bible? Were they going to try to convince me to follow them? I went downstairs to our front door and saw two men in suits smiling at me.
“Hi there. Can I help you?”
“Well hello there. Good day. We wanted to extend an invitation to you. Here it is. Hopefully you can make it.”
“Thank you. I’ll take a look.”
“Good day to you.”
The conversation was short and sweet. They simply handed me a flyer and left. Here’s what it says.
How can following the Christ help you to
– improve family life?
– deal with life’s difficult problems?
– draw closer to God?
– oppose the Devil?
– gain everlasting life?
To find answers to these questions and many others, you are cordially invited to attend the “Follow the Christ!” district convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Admission free. No collections taken.
Wow! Free admission and no collections. I was impressed. What religious gathering doesn’t even take up a collection? I’d never heard of such a thing.
Mainly, I was just curious. My whole life I’ve ignored the doorbell, thinking the door was the only thing that stood between me and a bunch of dingalings. These guys at the door seemed nice, and just doing what they can to spread the good news.
There was one time the doorbell rang and my boyfriend at the time poked his head out of my bedroom window and yelled down, “Hey, quit ringing the doorbell. All the girls who live here are Catholic.”
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