I just read your blog, or part, because Artie Bigley notified me of it. I’ve never met him or even spoken to him. But he sends me news items for possible use on www.topfree.ca.
I also edit a naturist/nudist journal in Canada that is read in the USA some. As a university professor, I have informally counselled manypeople, mostly women, who have had many different problems.
That’s enough background, I hope. I want to say very loudly that your writing is marvelous and your fierce detachment from your previous problems is inspiring. I may well refer some of my current students to your site.
(I’ve also walked the “Bare to Breakers” twice (1999 and 2000; I can’t run 7.5 miles) but have never braved a Burning Man.)
Every good wish for your challenges and successes!
Paul Rapoport
Dr. Paul Rapoport
Editor, Going Natural
Federation of Canadian Naturists
PO Box 81128 FGPO
Ancaster ON L9G 4X1
LOL- who would’ve thought that you are now the voice for nudism/naturism. I’ll think of you while I’m running around naked in Palm Springs this weekend!