I went out to dinner a couple weeks ago with my friend and her mom who was visiting from out of town. The three of us sat next to a couple who were less than enthralled with one another.
“First date!” I whispered. “They’re totally on a first date.”
The couple looked awkward. The man was trying his best to make conversation. The woman didn’t seem to make any effort at all. She focused on her plate, swirling her pasta over and over.
Half an hour into our meal, my friend turned to me and chuckled, “You’d better check your intuition because that woman has a fat diamond ring on her finger.” Gadzooks, I was wrong. And after listening even more intently on their conversation, I realized that they really were married.
My friend’s mom hunched over and hissed, “They’re not talking. They look awkward. I don’t see what the confusion is…..of course they’re married.” With that, we giggled until the check came.
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