Whenever I look at people and think of them as weird, I always wonder if others think the same of me.
Of all my weird habits (whether or not I can help it), I think the worst is the drool. I’m the most slobbery person I know. And I can’t help it! I’ll wake up in the middle of the night with my face marinating on a damp pillow. I’ll wipe up, flip the pillow around, only to arise in the morning to a pool of drool. It’s disgusting, I know. At least I’m in the privacy of my own bedroom. No one’s around to see me mop up my face.
What’s worse is when others see. I have a tendency to doze off in airplanes, cars, buses. I’ve caught myself mid-dream…drool dribbling down my shirt. The passenger next to me pretends not to see. How embarrassing! I feel like a little kid with an uncontrollable bad habit.
I’ve also been told I snore. Not a lot and inconsistently, but enough to be embarrassed about it. One morning, my cousins echoed together, “You started snoring as soon as you passed out!” Hmmm, blame it on a deviated septum. I can use that excuse for rhinoplasty. My nose can certainly use a little carving here and there.
I can’t confirm that I snore since I’ve never heard it myself. Nor has anyone ever recorded me—not that I would be able to decipher my snore from anyone else’s. But I can confirm that I sleep with my eyes partly open. Isn’t that creepy? I know! You should see the pictures. It looks like I’m peaking at you, but I’m actually completely asleep. My college roommate said she could never telling whether I was really taking a nap or if I was just resting with my eyes sort of open. I swear I’m asleep. Guess my eyelids are too lazy to shut completely.
The last quirk is controllable, but I can’t help it. The alarm clock snooze feature is my morning friend, but the enemy to anyone else. I snooze the alarm for a good hour before finally getting up out of bed. I’ve tried setting the alarm at exactly the time I need to get up, but it never works. I wake up crabby and very upset. I need to gradually wake up which means snoozing for as long as I can. Bed fellows hate it.
Drooling, snoring, staring, snoozing. My, what a freak of nature I am.
Hmm, we all have bad habits, most people snore, perhaps not all the time but occasionally when we have held off sleeping too long or we are sick for instance. As for drooling, guys do that all the time it is a Pavlovian response in a bar or on the beach when it is absolutely the wrong time…er, I mean no one drools. (smile) As for the waking up thing that is not uncommon, often it is just a sign of too little or poor quality sleep–your new mattress and pillow may ameliorate that issue. What are we without our issues anyway? (stupid grin)