I’ve become obsessed. Ok, not really obsessed, I’ve just been reading a bunch of random stuff lately.
This is from Sunday’s pink pages (the San Francisco Chronicle Datebook).
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) Will 2007 be the year you finally connect with your soul mate? Possibly. For certain, it’s the year when you address the whole partnership concept (like how much you expect from one–as opposed to what you’re willing to give). This week: Address a travel issue.
I’ve got the travel issue covered. I finally solidified my JetBlue flight to NYC. I went four times in 2005, skipped 2006 because of my work schedule, which means…I am itching to go! It’s been too long. Plus, I miss my East Coast friends.
As for partnership, I agree that I need to address the problem. I have serious relationship issues! On one hand, I lose faith easily. I run. I abandon. First sign of a problem, I’m out the door. Fuck it. I deserve so much better than this. But on the other hand, it is extremely hard for me to break away from relationships. One more hookup. Maybe I was wrong to leave. Let’s try again. It leaves my partner confused and conflicted which is no surprise. He’s dealing with someone who’s schizo! Inevitably, I throw a tantrum because it’s not going well. He’s not that into me. Well, what guy would be into a girl who runs out the door on every other date?
If I analyze myself enough, maybe I’ll have it figured out by the time my soul mate walks into my life. Until then, I’ll keep reading the horoscopes and hope the stars align.
i don’t think your issue is that you’re running away from relationships. it’s more that you’re running *toward* drama. once the drama/passion/fill-in-the-blank subsides, you break up with the guy so you can get more of what you’re craving. drama’s back so cathee’s interested again — problem solved! that stuff is addictive…