With the myriad of benefits and charities that have popped up because of the Sandy Hook massacre, I have been trying to determine how I can help. I’ve been very suspicious of emails and online solicitations asking for donations to…
Money Monday: Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
If you go to the Wikipedia site right now, you’ll see a note at the top of the site asking for donations. I probably hit Wikipedia at least once a day. Because I find it so useful, I donate. If…
Money Monday: Charity
My amazing talented friend Erin was diagnosed with lymphona last year while she was pregnant with her second daughter. With the support of her family and friends, and her fighting spirit, she has been in remission for over a year….
Money Monday: Donate
I got these emails almost back-to-back. Yes, I’m that crazy hippy chick who believes in the Secret and that whatever you think and believe is what life will bring to you. So I’ve been believing myself rich and trying not…